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Over $1 Million Donated to Local Charities

The Pittsburgh Penguins Foundation reached a record-high total this current season of over $1 million for the 50/50 Raffle. All of the money raised will be distributed and donated to over 100 local charities across the Pittsburgh region through a grant process.

The playoff run this season broke previous totals with nights hitting highs of over $80,000 collected. Every dollar raised must be donated to the charities by the conclusion of the season. Grants will be awarded with a check presentation at the Foundation office.

More than 100 charities are receiving Penguins Foundation grants this year, including Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation, Best Buddies of Pennsylvania, Beverly’s Birthdays, Blind & Vision Rehabilitation Services of Pittsburgh, Inc., Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh, Children’s Sickle Cell Foundation, Inc., Cribs for Kids, Inc., Pittsburgh Cares, Pittsburgh Kids Foundation, Jameson’s Army, Ronald McDonald House Charities of Pittsburgh, Sitting Bulls Sled Hockey Inc., St. Anthony School Programs, The Children’s Home of Pittsburgh & Lemieux Family Center, The PSP Strong Association, and the Western Pennsylvania Humane Society. The charities selected share the Foundation’s mission to promote physical well-being, encourage teamwork, stress the value of education, and provide essential life skills to young people in our community through hockey and other activities.

“It is simply amazing that with the help of our fans through the 50/50 Raffle we are able to make this big of an impact to over 100 local charities. Purchasing a 50/50 Raffle ticket on game nights goes a long way,” said Dave Soltesz, President of the Pittsburgh Penguins Foundation. “We greatly appreciate all of the support from the fans for the Pittsburgh Penguins Foundation and want to thank everyone for the continued generosity.”

To find out more about the Pittsburgh Penguins Foundation 50/50 Raffle please, click here.